2024-05-15 14:00

Enhancing Precision: The Role of Axial Tension Sensors in Modern Electronics

**Introduction** In the ever-evolving world of electronics, precision and accuracy are crucial factors that can make or break the success of a device or system. One technology that is playing a significant role in enhancing precision in modern electronics is axial tension sensors. These sensors are revolutionizing the way electronic devices are designed and operated, providing engineers with valua

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2022-07-28 11:14

What is the difference between a wet dust collector and a dry dust collector?

As we know, wet electrostatic precipitator is called wet electric for short. Its main working principle is the same as that of dry electrostatic precipitator. It absorbs dust and fine particles through high-voltage electrostatic electricity. So what is the difference between them?

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2022-01-10 13:38

Non-contact dust removal systems

Dust of the same size adheres to the surface of an object for a number of reasons: free-fall, electrostatic adsorption, moisture adherence, grease adherence, and so on. Most of the dust attaches to the surface of the object due to complex reasons. From the point of view of dust removal, sometimes 1 micron of free-fall dust can be removed, while dust containing grease components of 30 microns in size cannot be removed. Electrostatic adsorption dust absorbs moisture in the air containing Na, K, and other components, then dries and physically connects to the contact surface, thereby changing the air adhesion. Therefore, it is unscientific to use the percentage of data that removes more than a few micrometers to indicate the dust removal effect of the dust removal head, and it is also incorrect to ignore the surrounding environment and dust adsorption causes to demand a harsh dust removal rate.

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2021-11-12 11:03

USC Dry Ultrasonic Dedusting for Power Batteries

In the process of new energy power battery cell assembly, USC dry ultrasonic dust removal and non-contact cleaning are carried out before winding/laminating, so that the dust particles are separated from the surface of the material to achieve the purpose of dust removal. It is an efficient, safe and clean dry dust removal method in the industry today.

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